nuff add

Dec 10, 2013

Dengeki Daisy 74

Hey ya'll!!

Here's the next chapter. I forgot to mention before that that Dengeki Daisy will end by the end of this arc and there is also a special chapter right after it. The special chapter is about Souchiro and Riko's relationship. I't super duper cute!

For now, please enjoy the raws for this chapter!

See you in the next chapter!


  1. Thanks a bunch for this chapter.

  2. Okay, for me it is just looking at pictures XD Can't understand a word here. BUT WAIT WHUT? THEY ALL DIED?!? help me out xd

  3. Queee pasooooooooooooooooo :o ohhh yo vi clarito que quedaban como 14 min aprox para la explosión y la rejas se cerraron :o .... este no es el final cierto xD ...... aqui les dejo el linck donde hay 73 capitulos traducidos aawww que este lo traduzcan pronto *-*
