nuff add

Apr 29, 2011

LaLa June 2011

18 Chocolates
Hello everyone

Sorry for the one week delay. I have solid reason for the lateness. Life caught up on me and I have to extend my study period. *sigh* I tried my best but unfortunately it wasn't enough..

The lateness was because my parents just returned form Mecca after performing their Umrah, I had my Viva session for my final study on Tuesday so I was preparing for it on Monday. Then I had my first paper on Thurdays so I just couldn't squeeze in to scan the raws. It just takes too much time. For those who complained that I didn't keep my promise, I'm sorry but there are other things in my life that are more important than manga no matter how much I love it. To scan, edit, and upload take 2-3 hours so by doing that I would have wasted too much time. So don't you dare judge me!!

Even though I am very angry about what that person said, I'm still going to keep my promise to give the raws. The KWMS raws is a little lower in quality than what I usually provide. There was simply too much gutter to use threshold to make it HQ. I really hate it when they put KWMS in the first title in the magazine. It's really hard to scan when it's there. The ones for FTAK are the usual.



Do what the hell you want with it.

Apr 23, 2011

LaLa June 2011 Previews

17 Chocolates
Here are some previews for KWMS chapter 60.
I'll scan the whole chapter on Sunday :D


Apr 13, 2011

Open Up!!

2 Chocolates
Stretch those eyes

This is exactly what I'm doing right now. Oh dear, please let me finish this ASAP! I can't take it anymore!!